Bold claim, wouldn't you say? Truth is, affiliate marketing is not that hard. The reason so many people have problems is because they make too many mistakes with their marketing. In this article, I'm going to point out just a few of the most common things that affiliate marketers do that end up making things very difficult for them. If you simply avoid these things, you'll be well on your way to becoming an affiliate marketing expert. So pay attention because there is going to be a quiz at the end.
Okay, the very first thing you have to stop doing is jumping on the flavor of the day. You know what I'm talking about. Guru Joe Doe comes out with his "business in a box" or whatever the heck it is, blasts the darn thing out to his list of 100,000 to sell for him and you decide that you're going to jump in and try to sell it too. Yeah, good luck with that. With the amount of competition, not to mention all the other gurus who are promoting this thing, you're dead before you even start. Trust me, there are easier ways to go about this.
Next biggest mistake is advertising. So many affiliate marketers are lazy in this area. They go to the affiliate website and look for all the canned ads. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with canned ads if you at least make some changes to them. But no, most affiliates just take the ad and do nothing but change the link in them. That's it. That's their contribution to the process. Think about this logically. If everybody uses the same canned ads, how does anybody stand out from the crowd? They don't. The only affiliates who DO stand out are the ones that make their own ads. Make sense?
Finally, you've got the avenues that affiliates use to get the word out through. There are so many ways to advertise online and yet most affiliates all use the same old tired ways. What ends up happening is that they all bump into each other and the Internet becomes a traffic jam. Think I'm kidding? Go to Google and look up the latest craze and tell me how many pay per click ads you see for the same product. It's insane.
If you simply avoid these three big goofs, you'll have much more success as an affiliate marketer. If you'd like more information on this subject, check out my signature below.
You really CAN become an affiliate marketing expert. All you need is a solid plan.
To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim
Tired of being an affiliate failure? Want to turn yourself into an affiliate assassin like I am? Want to land in the top 20 of every affiliate promotion you tackle just like I do? Check out my site at and start earning a solid income as an affiliate marketer.
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