Of all the online marketing methods you can use, Pay-Per-Click is the most expensive, but also the most successful if you are able to advertise on search engine result pages that contain keywords relevant to your niche. Obviously you need to do your keyword research and understand Pay-Per-Click advertising systems like Google AdWords and how to get the most out of the for the least money in vested.
You have probably seen PPC ads when conducting online searches. These ads appear on search engine result pages at the top and to the right of the page.
In order to place an ad on these pages, you will have to bid on keywords that you believe those looking for your product are most likely to use. Since there is limited space on these pages, only those with the highest bid will be able to place an ad for a particular keyword phrase. Do your keyword research using the tools here: webuildpages.com/tools/ - to research your niches keywords that will cost you the least to get the most traffic.
Depending on the number of people who want to place an ad using specific keywords, you may have to bid high in order to get a spot.
Bids typically range from thirty cents a click to a dollar or more. This means that each time a person clicks on your ad, you will have to pay the amount per click that you bid.
However, spreading your risk over several 5 cent keywords or phrases may untimately cost you less and provide you with more statistical information to base future campaigns on.
For example, if there is a keyword or phrase that costs 30 cents per click that is searched on 1,000 times per month and there is also 5 nickle keywords or phrases that has the same monthly click through potential, you will save your advertising budget about 20% of what it would be to just pay for the one 30 cent keyword or phrase.
If on a budget, this can be a tedious task because while you have to be competitive, especially if the keyword is a popular one, you need to be able to estimate how many people will click on the ad each month based on the keyword's popularity.
This is a tough marketing gamble to take if you are new to Internet marketing. While PPC can be very successful, there are other ways to advertise online that will generate interest in your product, especially if it is one of the only ones that caters to the niche.
If you want to learn more about PPC advertising, visit Google AdSense and AdWords to learn more about the bidding process, how to track your bids, and how to choose keywords wisely.
And that resource is my e-book "Developing A Niche - What Does It Take?" This is indeed an amazing book that will teach you everything you need to know about identifying and developing your very own niche market for generating sure-fire profits and wealth. Everything in this book comes from the real life, real world experiences of successful business owners who are just people, exactly like you.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Khaled_Taleb
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